Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Our annual "Why We Live in Northern Californnia" blog entry

Back by popular demand...
We love it here in February. This marks the 44th February that we have been here. In fact, just before we moved here from Provo, Utah, in February 1967, I spent EVERY DAY of the last week of January shoveling the snow out of our driveway (due to nightly snowplow activity). Everything was brown and drab. When we arrived in the San Francisco Bay Area everyhting was so green and lush. By contrast, we thought we had come to the Garden of Eden. Now we know there are more lush places that this but we love it here just the same.
These pictures come from around our yard. I won't try to describe what each picture is but look for oranges, lemons, grapefruit, daffodils, hardenbergia, bouganvilla, pansies, potato tree blossoms, peach blossoms, hiacynth, succulent stars, to name a few. We don't have any popcorn on our apricot tree yet but any day now...